Spray Ups Yield, Cuts Emissions (published in Dairy Farmer)

A unique pasture spray might hold the key to reducing on-farm environmental impacts while increasing production.

Control (untreated) paddock on the left, Biozest treated paddock on the right.

The technology behind a product successfully used to improve kiwifruit health and productivity for the past 10 years is now available to help pastoral farmers mitigate their environmental impacts while increasing pasture yield and milk and meat production.

Biozest is a pasture spray proven in research trials to improve the productivity, resilience and quaity of pasture.

Paddock and farm scale trials over the last decade…

Read more …https://issuu.com/farmersweeklynz/docs/df_06-05_issuu/39?fbclid=IwAR2lZ2Q4Ym_jLVYQNDKGvdDuKLj7khLm9qRA2PPRpEzzlTI6NvjvpMbH7mg


NZ farmers can reduce emissions, increase production and meet targets


Organic Help for Grass Growth (printed in Dairy News)